A big part of why I started The Women Team was to able to provide a stage for amazing women to speak their minds, share their thoughts and gain public sympathy for amazing projects and life-works. One of these women is Kristina. All the way from Honolulu, Hawaii, Kristina and her family have been working hard to create Liquorice that is flavoured with natural ingredients. This plan created a brand called Hawaiian Licorice Company, and you could actually help Kristina’s dream come true (and get some yummy Licorice delivered to your house on the way).
In order to set this amazing dream on it’s course, Kristina turned to Kick-Starter, a platform that enables the general public to contribute to one’s efforts and have a taste of the end result in return. Kristina set up her first goal at $12,500 in order to start producing these amazing treats, and for every donation you give the company- you’ll be getting tasty liquorice to try for yourselves!

Company has already met the first goal, and the funds for this project are now standing on more than $33,000. With much more planned ahead, Kristina has made public what she would be doing with Hawaiian Licorice Company in every milestone they would reach, and she’ll need a little less than $2K to create a new flavour!