
7 Healthy Afternoon Habits Inspired By The Longest Living People In The World

7 Healthy Afternoon Habits

We have much to learn from the world’s longest-living individuals and the communities they come from. They have mastered the art of longevity and have integrated it into their daily routines, including their afternoon habits. By understanding and adopting these practices, we too can foster better health and possibly increase our longevity. Here are seven healthy afternoon habits inspired by these centenarians:

1. Take a Siesta (Nap)

> Inspiration: In Mediterranean regions and some parts of Latin America, the concept of the siesta, or a short nap after lunch, is deeply embedded in the culture.

> Benefit: A brief nap in the afternoon can refresh the mind, improve mood, and boost productivity. It can also lower stress levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help improve memory and learning.

2. Engage in Gentle Physical Activity

Inspiration: In areas like Okinawa, Japan, and Sardinia, Italy, older folks are often seen tending to their gardens or walking in the afternoon.

Benefit: Regular, low-intensity physical activity helps to keep joints limber, improves cardiovascular health, and maintains muscle tone. It also helps with digestion after lunch.

3. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

Inspiration: From the Bhutanese to the Ikarian Greeks, many centenarian-rich communities practice some form of meditation or mindfulness.

Benefit: Mindfulness practices in the afternoon can help in reducing stress, improve emotional well-being, and enhance cognitive function.

4. Connect with Others

Inspiration: In Blue Zones like Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula, people spend their afternoons socializing with friends or family.

Benefit: Social connections have been shown to boost mental health, lower stress levels, and even extend life expectancy.

5. Stay Hydrated

Inspiration: In many long-living communities, there’s an emphasis on drinking water and herbal teas throughout the day.

Benefit: Staying hydrated supports good kidney function, aids digestion, helps maintain healthy skin, and keeps energy levels up.

6. Consume a Light, Nutrient-Rich Snack

Inspiration: Centenarians from regions like Okinawa or the Seventh-day Adventists in California often snack on nutrient-rich foods like nuts, fruits, or seaweed.

Benefit: A healthy snack can stabilize blood sugar levels, provide sustained energy for the rest of the day, and offer essential nutrients.

7. Stay Curious and Learn

Inspiration: Many of the longest-living individuals remain curious and keep learning, whether it’s through reading, traditional crafts, or other hobbies.

Benefit: Continuous learning stimulates the brain, helping to ward off cognitive decline. It also fosters a sense of purpose and engagement with the world.

Incorporating these afternoon habits into our daily routines might not guarantee us a spot in the centenarian club, but they will undoubtedly enhance our overall well-being. After all, it’s not just about living longer but living better, fuller lives.

Benefits of Maintaining Healthy Afternoon Habits

Maintaining healthy afternoon habits is not just a strategy for longevity but also a means to enhance day-to-day life quality. As many people experience mid-afternoon slumps, integrating positive rituals can be transformative. Here are some compelling benefits:

Improved Mental Focus and Clarity:

  • Regular breaks, naps, or meditation sessions can rejuvenate the mind. This is especially beneficial during the afternoon when many experience reduced attention spans. A refreshed mind improves focus, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

Consistent Energy Levels:

  • Healthy snacking and hydration ensure that your body receives a steady supply of nutrients and energy. This can help stave off the mid-afternoon fatigue that many face, ensuring you stay active and alert throughout the day.

Better Digestion:

  • Taking a walk after lunch or engaging in some form of light physical activity can aid digestion. This practice can prevent feelings of bloatedness, lethargy, or discomfort, commonly associated with heavy meals.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety:

  • Activities like mindfulness exercises, spending time in nature, or simply connecting with others can act as a form of mental detox. They can lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels, leading to enhanced well-being and tranquillity.

Enhanced Social Connections:

  • Dedicating the afternoon to social interactions—whether with coworkers, friends, or family—strengthens bonds. This is vital for mental health and longevity, as numerous studies highlight the importance of social ties in overall wellness.

Stabilized Mood:

  • Consistent routines and habits, especially ones that involve physical activity or relaxation techniques, can help regulate mood. They release endorphins (the happiness hormone) and combat potential mood dips in the afternoon.

Boosted Immune System:

  • Healthy habits like staying hydrated, snacking right, and taking breaks to rest or meditate can bolster the immune system. A body and mind at ease are more resilient to illnesses.

Enhanced Sleep Quality:

  • An afternoon routine that avoids excessive caffeine, incorporates relaxation and ensures physical activity can lead to better sleep patterns and overall improved sleep quality.

Personal Growth and Skill Acquisition:

  • By dedicating afternoons to hobbies or learning activities, one can acquire new skills, indulge in personal growth, and foster a sense of achievement and purpose.

Promotion of Long-Term Health:

  • Over time, consistent healthy afternoon habits contribute to better cardiovascular health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and a more balanced mental state. They act as a protective shield against potential health issues.

Incorporating healthy afternoon habits doesn’t just make the latter part of the day more productive; it elevates the quality of life, ensuring that both body and mind are in harmony and at peak performance.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Afternoon Habits

Maintaining healthy afternoon habits consistently can be challenging, especially with the distractions of modern life and busy schedules. However, with determination, planning, and a few strategies, it’s entirely achievable. Here are some tips to help you keep up with those habits:

Schedule It:

  • Put your afternoon habits on your calendar. By scheduling a short walk, a hydration reminder, or a nap, you’re more likely to stick to it.

Start Small:

  • Don’t overhaul your entire afternoon routine at once. Begin with one or two habits and gradually integrate more as they become part of your daily routine.

Create an Environment Conducive to Rest:

  • If you want to nap or meditate, ensure you have a quiet and comfortable space. Even a small corner with a comfortable chair, dim lighting, and headphones can suffice.

Keep Healthy Snacks Handy:

  • Stock up on nutrient-rich snacks like nuts, fruits, or yoghurt. When you’re hungry in the afternoon, you’re more likely to reach for whatever’s closest.

Set Alarms or Reminders:

  • Use your phone or computer to set reminders to drink water, take a break, or stretch. These alerts can help you stay on track, especially when engrossed in work.

Engage with a Community or Buddy:

  • Sharing your goals with friends, and coworkers, or joining a group with similar objectives can provide accountability. You can encourage each other and share experiences.

Listen to Your Body:

  • Everyone’s rhythms are different. Some might need a nap, while others feel energized all afternoon. Learn to recognize what your body needs and adapt your habits accordingly.

Limit Caffeine Intake Post-Lunch:

  • If you find yourself having trouble sleeping at night, it might be a good idea to restrict caffeine consumption in the afternoon.

Stay Consistent:

  • It’s normal to miss out on your habits occasionally, but try not to make it a habit. Consistency is the key to making these routines second nature.

Re-evaluate and Adjust:

  • Every few weeks or months, take a step back and assess. Are these habits benefiting you? Do you need to modify anything? Adjust based on what’s working and what isn’t.

Educate Yourself:

  • The more you understand the benefits of your habits, the more motivated you’ll be to maintain them. Occasionally reading articles or watching videos on the importance of hydration, for instance, can keep you motivated to drink water regularly.

Avoid Overcommitting:

  • It’s essential to ensure that you’re not cramming too many tasks into your afternoon. Leave room for relaxation and spontaneous activities.

By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can cultivate and maintain healthy afternoon habits, paving the way for improved well-being and productivity. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection but consistent progress.

Tricks for Maintaining Healthy Afternoon Habits

While establishing a routine is crucial, sometimes you need a few clever tricks up your sleeve to stick to your healthy afternoon habits. These tricks are shortcuts or hacks that make it easier to embed and sustain those practices:

Visual Triggers:

  • Place a water bottle on your desk to remind you to hydrate. Similarly, keeping a yoga mat or dumbbells visible might prompt a quick exercise session.

Pre-packed Snacks:

  • Prepare snack packs on weekends or off days. Having ready-to-grab portions of nuts, fruits, or veggies ensures you have a healthy option available when hunger strikes.

Tech Helpers:

  • Use apps to boost your habits. There are hydration reminder apps, meditation apps, and even apps to remind you to stand up and stretch.

Sticky Notes:

  • Place them around your workspace or home with reminders or motivational quotes. A note saying, “Take a 5-minute break!” or “Breathe deeply” can be very effective.

Reward System:

  • Every time you stick to your afternoon habits for a week, reward yourself. It could be something small like a treat or a more significant reward like a movie night.

Themed Days:

  • For instance, have “Mindful Mondays” for meditation or “Walking Wednesdays” for an afternoon stroll. This approach breaks the monotony and adds an element of fun.

Tie a Habit to a Daily Task:

  • Attach a new habit to an existing one. If you always have tea in the afternoon, follow it up with a 10-minute reading session. Soon, one will prompt the other.

Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Use a beautiful water bottle or a charming tea mug. When your tools are visually appealing, you’re more inclined to use them.

Stay Flexible:

  • Some days, you might not feel like doing a specific activity. That’s okay. Switch it up with something else, ensuring you don’t skip your healthy routine entirely.

Use Timers:

  • A 20-minute nap or a 10-minute walk is easier to commit to when you know there’s a set end time. Use a timer to prevent overextending or neglecting the activity.

Accountability Partners:

  • While this might sound similar to the “buddy system,” this trick is about checking in. Have someone who messages or calls you to ensure you’re sticking to your goals.

Change Scenery:

  • If you work from home or are in a static environment, sometimes a change of scenery can help. Move to a different room or even a nearby café for a fresh perspective and to kick-start your habits.

Dress the Part:

  • Wear workout clothes if you plan to exercise in the afternoon. Being in the attire makes it more likely you’ll engage in the activity.

Create Playlists:

  • Have specific music or podcasts for different activities. A calming playlist for relaxation, an energetic one for exercise, or an informative podcast during a snack break can enhance the experience.

These tricks, when combined with the right mindset and dedication, can play a significant role in cementing healthy afternoon habits. Remember, the aim is to make the process as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

Examples of Healthy Afternoon Habits

Here’s a hypothetical example of how someone, let’s call her Jenifer, incorporates various healthy afternoon habits into her routine:

12:30 PM – Lunch:

Jenifer starts her afternoon by eating a balanced lunch comprising lean protein, whole grains, fresh vegetables, and a serving of fruit. She ensures her meals are colourful and varied, aiming for maximum nutrient intake.

1:00 PM – Hydration:

After finishing her meal, Jenifer fills up her water bottle. She has made it a habit to consume at least two bottles of water in the afternoon to stay hydrated.

1:15 PM – Short Walk:

Jenifer doesn’t like the sluggish feeling post-lunch. So, she goes for a 15-minute walk around her office building. This not only aids digestion but also helps clear her mind and revitalize her energy.

1:30 PM – Mindfulness Break:

Back at her desk, Jenifer takes a 5-minute mindfulness break. She uses a meditation app to engage in deep breathing exercises, which helps her reduce stress and regain focus.

2:30 PM – Snack Time:

Feeling a slight pang of hunger, Jenifer reaches for her pre-packed snack: a mix of almonds, walnuts, and dried cranberries. This mix offers her both energy and essential nutrients to keep going.

3:00 PM – Stretching:

After another hour of work, Jenifer stands up and does some basic stretching exercises for about 5 minutes. This routine prevents stiffness and improves blood circulation.

4:00 PM – Tea Break:

Jenifer enjoys a cup of green tea, which provides her with antioxidants. She pairs this with a small piece of dark chocolate, which is both a treat and a source of flavonoids.

4:20 PM – Social Connection:

She calls a colleague over for a quick chat or dials up a friend for a brief conversation. This short social connection boosts her mood and breaks the monotony of work.

5:00 PM – Skill Learning:

Jenifer dedicates 20 minutes to learning something new each day. Currently, she’s learning Spanish through an online app. This activity not only stimulates her brain but also fosters a sense of achievement.

5:30 PM – Planning for the Evening:

Before wrapping up her work, Jenifer takes a moment to jot down her tasks for the evening and the next day. This habit helps her transition smoothly from work mode and sets her up for a productive next day.

This example showcases how Jenifer has woven various healthy habits into her afternoon seamlessly. It’s worth noting that everyone’s routine will differ based on individual needs and preferences. The key is to find habits that align with one’s goals and lifestyle.

7 Healthy Afternoon Habits
7 Healthy Afternoon Habits

Frequently Asked Questions about Healthy Afternoon Habits

Why do I feel sluggish in the afternoon?

Post-lunch drowsiness is common and can be attributed to the body’s circadian rhythm, digestion processes, and sometimes the content of the meal. Consuming heavy, carb-rich meals can cause a spike and subsequent drop in blood sugar, leading to fatigue.

Is napping in the afternoon beneficial?

Yes, short naps, often referred to as power naps, can boost energy, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. However, it’s essential to keep them brief (20-30 minutes) to prevent entering deeper sleep cycles and feeling groggy afterwards.

How can I prevent over-snacking in the afternoon?

Plan your snacks ahead of time. Opt for nutrient-rich snacks that provide a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. Having pre-portioned snacks can prevent overeating. Drinking water can also help as sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Do I need to drink water even if I’m not thirsty?

Yes, thirst can sometimes be a late indicator of dehydration. It’s good to sip water throughout the day to stay consistently hydrated.

How can I motivate myself to move or exercise in the afternoon?

Setting regular reminders, having a workout buddy, or joining group activities can motivate you. Also, keeping in mind the immediate benefits of afternoon movement, such as increased energy and mood enhancement, can serve as motivation.

Is caffeine in the afternoon bad for sleep?

This varies among individuals. Generally, consuming caffeine late in the afternoon can interfere with sleep for many people, as it can stay in the system for several hours. It’s advisable to limit caffeine intake in the hours leading up to bedtime.

How long should my afternoon break be?

The ideal break length varies based on individual needs and the type of work you’re doing. However, a 5-15 minute break every hour can help refresh the mind and body.

Are screen breaks necessary?

Yes, prolonged screen time can lead to digital eye strain. It’s recommended to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

How can I incorporate social interactions into a busy afternoon?

You can schedule short breaks to chat with a colleague, make a quick call to a loved one, or participate in group activities or workshops during lunch hours.

Can afternoon habits impact my overall health?

Absolutely. Consistent healthy afternoon habits can improve mental well-being, boost energy, aid digestion, and even contribute to long-term health benefits like reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Having a clear understanding of these frequently asked questions can empower individuals to make informed choices and optimize their afternoon routines for better health and well-being.


The afternoon, often overlooked or merely seen as a bridge between the morning’s momentum and the evening’s relaxation, holds untapped potential for rejuvenation, reflection, and reinvigoration. By examining the lifestyles of the secrets of longevity: daytime habits of the world’s longest-living people individuals, we can glean valuable insights into making the most of these hours.

The 7 healthy afternoon habits inspired by these centenarians include balanced eating, consistent hydration, regular movement, moments of mindfulness and relaxation, purposeful social interactions, skill development or continuous learning, and planning for the subsequent hours. Integrating these practices isn’t just about passing the time or keeping busy; it’s about enhancing our holistic well-being.

In a world that’s increasingly fast-paced, with overlapping responsibilities and relentless notifications, pausing to cultivate and maintain these afternoon habits becomes not just beneficial but vital. These habits serve as an antidote to the stresses of modern life, grounding us in practices that have stood the test of time and have been foundational to the health and longevity of many.

By weaving these habits into the fabric of our afternoons, we don’t just aspire for a longer life but a richer, more fulfilling one. Every day becomes an opportunity, each afternoon a canvas — it’s up to us to paint it with purpose, health, and joy.

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