Age spots, how do you remove that? The main varieties. Features to remove at home, recipes for masks, possible contraindications.
Colored spots are dark areas of the skin where too much melanin pigment, which is responsible for the color of the skin, accumulates. Ultraviolet light is usually the main culprit, but overpainting can be a cause for concern for other reasons. Therefore, before starting to fight this scourge, it is important to figure out where the age spots come from and what they are.
What are age spots?
Colored spots are areas of increased accumulation of melanin pigment, which determines the color of hair and skin – darker or lighter. An increase in its production occurs for various reasons, as a result of which it is unevenly distributed, leading to a localized darkening of the skin.
You experience skin discoloration all your life. Freckles in children look really cute, but as they get older, age spots spoil the appearance quite well. They are large and uneven in shape, appear suddenly, and grow rapidly.
In young people, age spots on the face are more often located on the forehead, nose, cheeks, and above the upper lip. In adulthood, they spread to the back, chest, and outside of the arms.
Note! Contrary to popular stereotypes, the appearance of skin discoloration is not related to its color and sensitivity.
There are several types of age spots:
- Nevi … These are dark areas of the skin with arbitrary shapes that are present on the body from birth and appear throughout life for a variety of reasons. During adulthood, they can multiply. It is forbidden to remove birthmarks on your own!
- Freckles … are small circular spots up to 2 mm in diameter. They usually appear on fair skin due to too much sunlight and are therefore brighter and often disappear in winter. Efalid usually accumulates on the cheeks, nose, and other open areas of the body – the neck, shoulders, between the shoulder blades, décolleté, and hands. It is quite possible to remove freckles on your own.
- Lentigo … These are sun-brown spots that form due to active exposure to ultraviolet rays, and age-related changes in the skin and are considered the main signs of photography. They have an irregular shape and a rather large size – about 20 mm. They usually appear on the face, hands, and forearm. They are persistent but freckle and do not disappear in winter. Removing such blemishes on the face requires special effort.
- Chloasma … Large beige age spots, most often located on the forehead, cheeks, and temples. They appear due to active UV radiation, genetic predisposition, and the background of hormonal changes in the body that accompany pregnancy, breastfeeding, some diseases, liver and ovarian disorders, damage to helminths, as well as taking certain medications, birth control pills. Colored areas can shrink in size and disappear as the hormonal status stabilizes and become lighter during the fall-winter period.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation … It occurs due to dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, after skin lesions caused by a fungus, shingles, burns, at the bite site, if there are problems with the immune system. Dark spots are usually a concern for people with dark skin. Removing such spots requires effort and the use of specialized cosmetics.
Note! Due to the decrease in the amount of melanin, the pigment of the skin also changes: white spots in vitiligo and areas of albinism appear where no pigment is present.
The main causes of age spots on the face
If you consider pure skin with a consistent tone, without freckles and age spots to be an ideal of beauty, then you first of all need to eliminate or minimize the effects of unfavorable factors that cause them, as much as possible. In the presence of specific diseases, it is important to contact the clinic as soon as possible!
It is easier to fight discoloration if you know why age spots and freckles appear:
- Excessive UV radiation … The sun’s rays irritate melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanin production. The body usually becomes tanner, but with high activity, the sun calls for a protective reaction of the skin. A lot of pigment is produced; it is distributed differently in different areas, which leads to the appearance of age spots.
- Hormonal changes … Discoloration can occur due to changes in the number of hormones in the body – during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, endocrine disorders, and neurological diseases. Such age spots disappear on their own after the hormonal background has returned to normal.
- Age … Over the years, the skin becomes thinner so that in some places melanocytes end up on the surface. Due to the accumulation of melanin, age spots become noticeable and appear.
- Mechanical damage to the skin … Facial discoloration is due to active regeneration of the skin after scarring, scratches, chemical burns, insect bites, squeezing out acne, and boils, which is accompanied by increased melanocyte activity and increased melanin production. Unsuccessful cosmetics, such as chemical peeling with fruit acids, and laser resurfacing, contribute to the development of mechanical damage to the skin and at the same time the appearance of age spots.
- Solarium … Pigmented spots are a common companion for lovers of artificial tanning. They occur when sunscreen is used incorrectly, as well as when the method is performed after peeling or laser hair loss. Staining may be due to excessive exposure to the capsule and overuse of sunbeds. Irritated melanocyte cells begin to produce the active pigment that spreads and colors the skin unevenly.
- Some diseases … Unexpected appearance of age spots for no apparent reason may indicate failure of the liver and gallbladder (brown formation), kidney (yellow-brown), and intestine (reddish). They usually appear in the early stages of disease development, so consulting a specialist is the only right decision. Over painting also occurs in the background of skin diseases – dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, fungal skin damage, and shingles.
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals … Quite a common cause of age spots, associated with deficiency of vitamins B12, C, copper, zinc, and iron in the body. The more spots that appear on the face, the more the body is emptied. After the deficiency is eliminated, the summary disappears by itself. But the accumulation of substances such as mercury, aluminum, lead, and arsenic is dangerous and is associated with poor health.
- Heredity … Age spots and freckles are often caused by a genetic predisposition. If your parents suffer from hyperpigmentation, you will also have a tendency to locally darken areas of the body. First of all, this applies to the nose and large birthmarks, which are prominent in newborns.
- Some medicines … Colored spots on the skin appear after taking medicines that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. These include antibiotics in the tetracycline series, retinoid and anti-cancer drugs, and the fight against cancer. Age spots also occur due to oral pills.
How to get rid of age spots on your face at home?
The simplest remedy for removing age spots is from mashed gooseberries. You can use any available: strawberries, raspberries, lingo berries, cranberries. Regular treatment helps to keep the skin clean and the complexion healthy and even.
Castor oil shows high performance and is used regularly – in the morning and in the evening. A piece of cotton is soaked with castor oil to remove age spots and wipe off the places where they are most, without affecting healthy skin.
Lemon juice is also a leader in the list of effective remedies for over-painting due to its excellent whitening ability. Squeeze the juice from the citrus leaves, dilute with water, keep the ratio 1 to 5, and store in the refrigerator. To remove age spots, wipe your face regularly 2 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in a glossy substance.
Get rid of age spots by using an effective remedy made from 30% peroxide (1 teaspoon), boron alcohol (2 teaspoons), and glycerin (1 teaspoon). The product is used to dry the skin on the face once a day until a noticeable whitening effect appears.
Recipes for masks for age spots on the face
To achieve a visible effect, use masks for age spots for at least a few months. However, the result will surprise you: the skin will be clearer, the face will be lighter, the tone will be even and the freckles and dark spots will decrease.
Recipes for effective masks for age spots:
- With hydrogen peroxide … The agent is aggressive but copes well with skin discoloration. To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. oat bran, previously ground into a powder, with green tea to make porridge. Add 5 ml of hazelnut and peanut oil and 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.
- With parsley … The best cure for age spots: Fresh herbs have a brighter effect on the skin and destroy the melanin in the cells. To prepare it, chop the leaves and mix in a 1-to-1 ratio with honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Turmeric… It is also an aggressive substance that can cause allergies, which in addition can paint the face in a bright yellow color, but it is effective and deals with old and dark spots. To prepare the mask, mix 10 g of turmeric with the same amount of honey, the result is a thick gruel, which should be diluted with sour cream to the desired consistency.
- With fools … Seasonal mask with whitening properties for 3 weeks. To prepare bleach to remove age spots, pour 100 g of dandelion flowers with 30 ml of refined olive oil, add the same amount of castor oil, and steam for 3 hours. Keep the heat low and keep the mixture from boiling. After the specified time, cool it, sift and add 50 ml of liquid honey to the liquid.
- With rice flour … You can use ready-made groceries or before removing age stains at home, grind the grain in a coffee grinder. Add 30 ml of lemon juice to 50 g of powder, mix thoroughly and use as directed.
- With lemon … Strong action, so it is important to use it carefully! Dilute 30 g of yeast with 15 ml of milk, which should be at room temperature, and let stand for 30 minutes. After the specified time, add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Celandine is… Very strong remedy with whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Against age spots, gruel made from celandine leaves is used, to which crushed chamomile flowers and a little lemon juice are added. The last ingredient can be substituted for rubbing alcohol. After preparation, let the product stand for 10 minutes and then squeeze out.
- With clay … White cosmetic clay will help to remove age spots at home, but if it is not at hand you can do with black, but its lighting properties are lower. To prepare the product, dilute 30 g of kaolin with fresh cucumber juice, which needs 15 ml.
- Sour cream … Another remedy for age spots on the face, which is characterized by good whitening properties. To prepare the mask, mix 1 to 1 turmeric with sour cream, which softens the effect of the first ingredient and prevents yellowing of the face?
- With aloe Vera … Before making a cure for age spots, you need to grind the leaves of the plant into gruel. Mix agave pulp with honey in a 1-to-1 ratio.
- With ascorbates … Medicines that eliminate the lack of ascorbic acid and vitamin P help to quickly remove various age spots on the face – freckles, chloasma, and lentigo. To prepare the mask, grind 1 tablet into a powder and mix with 10 g of buckwheat. Pour 15 ml of liquid honey over the dry matter, which needs to be heated slightly.
- With pepper … Every sweet pepper, regardless of color, will help remove age spots. To do this, grind the vegetables with a fine grater and apply them immediately to the face.
- With soap … Another recipe for a mask with hydrogen peroxide that helps you remove age spots quickly. To prepare the product, grind the white soap with a fine grater. Pour the crumb formed with the peroxide solution to make a thick cream and add a few drops of ammonia.
- With almonds … To get rid of age spots on the face, pour 100 g of almonds with boiling water and grind after 10-15 minutes. Pour the mass formed with the fresh juice of half a lemon.
- With vinegar … Product with strong whitening properties. To prepare it, combine liquid honey, lemon, and table vinegar in equal amounts to form a homogeneous mixture. Be sure to evaporate the skin before applying the mask to the face.
- With starch … A medicine from 1 tbsp. helps to remove age spots on the face. starch and lemon juice, mixing until thick sour cream is consistent.
- With cucumber … To get rid of over-painting at home, you can use finely chopped cucumber mixed with oatmeal in accordance with thick cream.
- With buttermilk … Gaze dipped in yogurt will help to whiten age spots. It should be applied to areas affected by discoloration for 30 minutes. The dairy product is rinsed off with water at room temperature.
- With red berries … prepare a whitening mask, 5 tbsp. l. Crush fresh berries until pureed, pour boiling water (200 ml), and leave the mixture for 3 hours to fill. At the end of the cooled infusion, soak a gauze napkin, apply the compress to the area with the accumulation of age spots and soak it for 20 minutes.
Important! Most age spots have a mask wipe, so apply moisturizer on your face after using them.

Properties of removing age spots on the face at home
Homemade masks are not inferior to the methods of removing aggression in aggression. If you do not take into account possible contraindications, change the proportions of ingredients of your choice, or overestimate the product; you can cause irreparable damage to the skin.
It is forbidden to use shiny masks if there are fresh wounds, injuries, scars, papillomas, acne, acne, or swollen areas of the face. Contraindications to their use are dermatitis, impetigo, rosacea, keratosis, and recent cosmetics in the living room. Such masks are not suitable for owners of dry, thin, and sensitive skin.
It is recommended to prepare funds manually, without the use of a faucet, otherwise, the mass will turn out to be too liquid and will run off the face, which complicates the procedure. Baby, fermented milk products should be heated by building a water bath. This also applies to oils, with the exception of essential oils.
Before using the product, it is important to test it to eliminate the risk of allergies. To do this, apply some of the composition on the wrist and evaluate the reaction of the skin after 20 minutes. If there are no unwanted feelings, itching, redness, or rash, you can use it as directed.
Evaporate the skin to open pores. To do this, you can make a steam bath with pharmacy chamomile or other herbs. You can also use a warm towel for this purpose.
Spread the mixture along the massage lines if the pigment has spread all over the face, or apply only on the affected area where most age spots are. Withstands 10 minutes unless otherwise stated in the recipe.
Wash off the clear mask with warm water. Also, according to reviews on age spots, you can use lemon solution, milk, or decoction made on the basis of chamomile to enhance the whitening effect of the composition.
As masks that aim to eliminate pigment have a drying effect on the skin after they are applied, it is important to apply a moisturizer on the face.
Note! Mild redness and swelling are normal skin reactions. These phenomena disappear after 2-3 hours.
As a rule, the effects of ultraviolet radiation intensify during the summer, and as a result, numerous age spots appear on the face or the existing ones become brighter. To prevent them from appearing, it is important to consider preventive measures and protect the skin from the sun. To do this, you should use hair care products that have high SPF levels, even at home in a car, or in cloudy weather, because UV rays can penetrate through clouds or windows. To avoid this, wear glasses and a hat that covers your face before going out.