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Brazilian butt: We swing the Brazilian butt at home

swing the Brazilian butt at home

Butt an important part of our body.  Find out which exercises work best for gluts and which exercises to choose: strength or cardio. Many girls envy the form of Brazilian women when it comes to the buttocks. Of course, genetics have some influence here, but in Brazil, women place a lot of emphasis on training the gluteal muscles. Often, when they organize training, they spend half an hour in the Brazilian butt and they do this every day. Most of our girls spend time in the buttocks only after working out the back muscles or other body parts.

When you answer the question of how to pump up a Brazilian ass at home, you cannot reveal any secret as it simply does not exist. If you want to have beautiful buttocks, then you need to work on them. However, this must be done correctly to achieve the desired results. First, this applies to regular training in the relevant areas. The technique of performing all the movements that accompany your training program is equally important.

Only by working hard and loading your muscles properly will you succeed. The importance of proper nutrition should also be mentioned. You can get a fleeting pleasure from a cake, which will then be a serious disappointment. No matter what body part you are working on, diet is essential.

Properly organized training makes the Brazilian butt tight and toned

The female body is very eager to accumulate fat, especially in the buttocks. Do not forget the cellulite, which usually appears only on the buttocks. It is impossible to eliminate body fat on a point. Thanks to properly organized training and a proper nutrition plan, you burn fat tissue evenly throughout the body. With training, you will make your butt tight and toned.

Let us not forget to talk about motivation, because many people quickly lose their initial security. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to constantly motivate yourself. Today we will tell you how to pump up a Brazilian ass at home, after considering all the nuances, including psychological. A fruitful workout in the gym will make it possible to achieve the prestigious goal.

Structure of the gluteal muscle

Every woman seeks to increase the buttocks and strong well-pumped muscles are allowed in this area. In order to determine the best training methods for any muscle group, it is necessary to understand its structure.

  • A large part of the gluteal muscle. It is one of the largest muscles of the body and also forms the base of the buttocks. The main functions of the big muscle are stretching, twisting the legs, as well as the ability to push them apart. To perform all these movements, the gluteus Maximus works the muscle associated with the little one.
  • The central part of the gluteus muscle. This muscle is located on the outside of the pelvis and its main function is to maintain a stable position on the pelvic floor during walking or to maintain balance. This is a kind of muscle stability, without the gait being overwhelming.
  • A small part of the gluteal muscle. The smallest muscle is located below the middle part, which is also involved in maintaining balance.

The three parts of the gluteal muscle that we have now considered can have great strength and endurance, but for that, it is necessary to constantly work on them. If physical activity is unsatisfactory then its function will be far from perfect. Even during normal walking, the buttocks are almost never involved in the work. A passive lifestyle is blamed on a person using the largest muscle group on their body very badly.

It is quite obvious that if there is no stress, then the muscle tension decreases significantly. Therefore, the main load falls on other muscles located in the lumbar spine. This is most likely the reason for the low productivity because the spinal cord is in constant tension.

To work on the buttocks, it is necessary to use power movements that cannot be called light. It should be borne in mind that exercises force other muscles to work, not just sit in the muscles. A similar situation arises when walking, climbing stairs, etc. Of course, all these movements are good for the legs, but they cannot work only on the buttocks.

How do activate the gluteus muscles?

Many of the exercises you do in the gym can be useful for gluts but only if the muscle group has been activated. Lunges and gluteal bridge squats are able to work out the gluteal muscles. Unfortunately, not all girls have these and other movements in the training program. Now we will look at the exercises that will allow you to activate the required group. You should learn to feel the contraction of the buttocks and only in this case you can count on success.

  • Lift the pelvis while lying down. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels on the ground. From this position, start lifting the pelvis, contracting the target muscles, as well as engaging in hamstrings and back exercises. The most important thing in this exercise is to develop the ability to feel the buttocks. At the top of the track, you must be stationary for one minute.
  • Lifts the pelvis with the support of one leg on the roller. The starting position is similar to the previous movement but only one foot rests on the ground while the other is in a horizontal position on the roller. By lifting the pelvis up, it is necessary to ensure that it does not move to the side and the movement takes place thanks to the work of the buttocks. Try to exclude the muscles of the lower back from work as much as possible. It is necessary to stand still for about one minute.
  • Exercise “Mollusk” on one side. Lie on your side and bend your hips at a 45-degree angle. The heels should be close to each other. Lift the upper leg with the gluteus Maximus. The movement is performed for one minute.
  • Exercise “Hunting dog”. Get in a four-legged position, and then stretch your left arm and right foot parallel to the ground. Make sure the spinal cord is not tense. First, go in one direction for one minute and then repeat in the other.

Strength training and cardio: what is better for the Brazilian butt?

In the early seventies, the term “aerobics” appeared in the gym, and from that moment on, the discussion of supporters of strength training and cardio continued. Now, in almost every gym, you can clearly see the gender divide – men prefer strength training, and girls in most cases choose aerobics.

This happens almost all over the world except in Brazil. On-site beauties have long understood that cardio cannot give significant results when training the buttocks. If you want to make your butt elastic and still attractive, then you cannot do without strength training.

However, this does not mean that you should stop cardio altogether. Every woman not only wants to have firm buttocks but also to get rid of excess fat. If you want to know how to pump up a Brazilian butt at home, then you need to combine both types of training.

Strength training rules to build your Brazilian butt

Perfectly round and elastic buttocks can only be created with strength training. Such training not only helps to strengthen the muscles but also promotes the utilization of body fat. Here are the main reasons for weight training:

  • The utilization process of adipose tissue is accelerated;
  • You can change the shape of the buttocks;
  • Increased endurance and muscle strength;
  • Increased pelvic and hip flexibility.

Do not rush to pick up the bulkhead; however, as there are several strength training features that can make it more effective.

  • Load progress. If you practice with weights, you have a personal record of any movement. However, your body is adaptable and you need to constantly increase your performance. For progress, you need to increase the load. Note that even a small increase can be beneficial. You can, for example, perform some extra repetitions in sets, or shorten breaks between sets. Try to make each new exercise a little harder than the previous one.
  • The strength of the classes. You probably do not want your exercises to be too simple or on the contrary heavy. When you find it difficult to perform the last two or three repetitions in a set and the heaviness appears in the working muscles, then the blood flow in this area of ​​the body speeds up significantly. It is these repetitions that will be most effective as a result.
  • Each movement consists of two stages – lifting (concentration) and lowering (eccentric) sports equipment. Studies have shown that both levels are important for muscle growth, but the length of eccentrics should be twice as long. For example, if you raise a shot in 2 seconds, you should lower it to 4.
Swing the Brazilian butt at home
Swing the Brazilian butt at home

How to pump up a Brazilian butt at home: the best exercises

Remember that you first need to perform a warm-up, including the movements to activate the vitreous muscles, which we talked about above. Now let’s look at strength training that answers the question of how to pump up a Brazilian ass at home.

  • Squats with your own body weight on the bench. It is necessary to stand in front of a bench located at the level of the knees. Place your feet on the shoulder of the shoulder joint. Cross your arms across your chest so that your fingers touch the opposite shoulder. When bending your knees, pull your buttocks back. Do three sets of 15 reps each.
  • Lifts the pelvis up with one foot. Take your position in the back, legs bent at the knees and arms extended along the body. Push off with the heel and lift the other leg as high as possible. The lower back should not bend so that most of the load falls on the buttocks. Do three sets of 12 reps each.
  • This movement should be familiar to you. Probably take a position and lift your body on your outstretched arms. Therefore, the body should be stretched in a straight line. At the top of the track, you have to wait for one minute.
  • Bulgarian split knees. Stand with your back to the bench and place your left foot on it. Hands should be at the waist. Start walking down until the knee of your left leg touches the ground. Do three sets on each leg, each with 20 repetitions.

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