
Jewelry Pieces That Will Make You Fall In Love

Jewelry Pieces That Will Make You Fall In Love

When was the last time you’ve seen a pair of earrings that took your breath away? When was the last time that you’ve found a necklace that is just so PERFECT you couldn’t believe it? Or a ring that was so unique you felt like it’s already your’s- just by looking at it? Meet the jewelry pieces that will make you fall in love.

All of these feelings were flooding me when I first saw the unique hand-crafted jewelry items in TamyZurTachshit Etsy store.

The store is named after it’s designer and owner- Tamy Zur, and Tachshit means Jewel in Hebrew, the mother tongue of this talented Israeli jewelry designer.

With over 130 items in her store, Zur sells all kinds of jewelry items– rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets. From silver, from gold… And with a whole lot of love! Here are some of my favorite items from her store:

And it’s not by accident that Zur creates such delicate and heart-warming jewelry items… To my belief, her unique hand is a direct result of her previous career and studies. This talented woman was not a jewelry designer by default. She studied dance, social work and dance therapy, and worked in many different places, enjoying all of her jobs. She was a modern dance teacher, and a director of a youth dance group, as well as a social worker, working with mentally disabled people.

Growing and developing both personally and business-wise, Zur decided that she needs more family time. She wanted to spend more time with her girls. With 2 great inspiring individual who guided her into the world of the goldsmith, Dorit Regev & Micha Yechiali, she found the courage to start her own business- right from her back yard. 8 years have gone by since that decision, and we can’t wait to see how Zur’s work will grow and develop in the future.

Jewelry Pieces That Will Make You Fall In Love
Jewelry Pieces That Will Make You Fall In Love

See more of Zur’s work in her Etsy store!

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Content writer & editor at “In advertising, not to be different is virtually suicidal” – Bill Bernbach




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