
Sacred Geometry Inspired Artwork

Sacred Geometry Inspired Artwork

Mandala prints (framed or not), stickers and even leggings- all with sacred geometry inspired artwork and the geometric vibe on them- in one place!
That place is an Etsy store called KorvinKustoms, owned by Zak Korvin from Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Etsy is the biggest marketplace online, currently, for handmade and hand-crafted items, and what I love about it so much is that every seller has a story. Some of them use their education and studies to open an online business, using Etsy just as another platform, while other sellers have a different day job or a relatively close career to what they do in their store.

Zak is from the second kind

As a tattoo artist, Zak specializes in black and grey geometrical patterns, specifically mandalas. Recognized by the Fine Art Trade Guild as a Guild Commended Framer, Zak worked in picture framing whilst moonlighting as a graphic designer for many years, with a brief stint as a certified casino dealer.

In 2013 he quit his job in framing to go hitch-hiking with his best friend Cal, from their home in the Black Country, England and all the way to India. Due to border restrictions Cal and Zak never made it to India, but they did enjoy China! Coming back from that, Zak turned to what he does best– Mandalas. And his Etsy store is filled with these wonderful geometric shapes- in black and white.

Sacred Geometry Inspired Artwork
Sacred Geometry Inspired Artwork

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