Mass for girls; how do I correctly gain it? Find out how a girl can achieve high-quality muscle mass without excess body fat and get an elastic and lean body. The physiology of the female body is designed so that girls constantly have to deal with fat. According to statistics, about 95 percent of girls go to the gym to lose weight. Today, you can find much information on the Internet about achieving this goal. But the remaining five percent are forgotten, and these girls do not gain weight. Do not think their task is much easier than losing weight, and today we will tell you how to eat mass for girls.
It should note right away that this is a complicated topic, and it will not be possible to limit ourselves to a few words here. As for weight loss, for a girl to gain weight, first of all, it is necessary to change her eating habits. Only in this case will you be able to solve the task.
The reasons for the lack of mass for girls
Below we will talk about how to eat in the mass for girls, and now we need to calculate the reasons for the lack of abundance in women. Agree that it is exciting to understand why one girl needs to eat a bun and her weight will increase. For others, it is tough to gain weight, even if the energy value of the diet is high. Let’s figure out why the body’s reaction can be so different.
It is these signs that indicate a problem with mass. It should be said that there are quite a few ectomorph girls, but they are. The physiological characteristics of their bodies make it difficult to gain weight. Moreover, it would help if you understood that, in reality, this fact should not be considered a pathology or a disease. Generally, an ectomorph girl’s body type is a gift from nature. Agree that the absence of problems with food is expensive. Suppose most women are on a strict diet and are constantly calculating the calorie content of the nutrition plan. In that case, you do not need this.
However, this does not mean you can eat only junk food because such food is harmful to the body and can lead to various health problems. Scientists have shown that in a thin person, the enzyme amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, is much more active than others. It may be one of the main factors of high metabolism. So smoothly, we start talking about how to eat mass for girls. Today we will consider a diet for girls during weight gain. Thanks to this, women will be able to gain weight and, at the same time, maintain the grace and beauty of their figures. When discussing nutrition for weight gain, it’s important to remember that skinny is the line between a balanced diet and gluttony.
How to gain weight mass for girls, the right way?
No one will argue that you need to eat a lot of food to gain weight. At the same time, it is essential for a girl not only to gain mass but also not to increase a large amount of muscle and fat reserves. It is much easier for guys in this regard because when they gain weight, they first take care of the muscles and then burn fat with the help of unique nutrition and training plans.
Speaking about girls in this context, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of the work of the female body. Most women are not interested in this, and for nothing. After all, if you understand your body’s constitution and learn about physiological processes, it will be much easier to achieve your goal.
First, every girl is concerned about the possibility of significant muscle mass. Agree that a woman with big muscles cannot look attractive. But here, we will immediately calm you down – you will not be able to build muscles like men. Specifically, this is possible, but only if sports pharmacology is used. However, you don’t need this.
On the other hand, excess body fat is also unacceptable, even if you are an ectomorph and want to gain more body weight. Thus, today we will not talk about training rules but explain how to eat at the fair for girls. Let’s find out what is the proper weight gain. Everything is quite simple here; body weight should increase due to muscle and a little fat mass.
If you want an athlete, the ratio between these masses should be 70 to 30 percent in favor of muscles. This ratio will be 60 to 40 percent if you do not need this. If you decide to gain 10 pounds, six of them should be muscle, and the other four should be fat.
If you are not an athlete, gaining ten pounds can take at least a year of work. However, you can believe that your body will look beautiful if 6 kilos are muscles and 4 kilos are fat. We suggest you give it some thought, but for now, you can read on.
How to eat mass for girls the rules
Energy value of the diet
Let’s start talking about how to bulk eat for girls. However, we immediately warn you that you need to start playing sports to get excellent results. If you do not do regular training, all the suggestions for planning nutrition lose their meaning. You will still gain mass but will not achieve the desired muscle-to-fat ratio.
The first step in changing the nutritional plan will be to increase its energy value. To do this, you need to calculate the calorie content of your current diet and then increase this figure by 15 percent. It is pretty challenging to do this because many smartphone applications can help with this. Add all the products you use for three days, and the app will do the rest.
It is then necessary to determine the rate of essential nutrients that should be consumed throughout the day.
Now we will give these hints not only for girls but also for men:
- For girls – 45/30/25 (carbohydrates / protein mixtures / fats).
- For men – 55/35/10.
You have probably already noticed that the difference between the sexes is quite significant, primarily concerning the amount of fat and carbohydrates. If everything is clear enough with carbohydrates, then women need fat for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. You risk severe reproductive problems if your diet contains less than 25 percent fat.
Thus, you should consume about 2.7 grams of protein compounds, 1 gram of fat, and four grams of carbohydrates daily. All these numbers are given per kilogram of body weight.
Partial nutrition
Today they very often talk about nutritional breakdowns. Whether you lose or want to gain weight, you need to switch to this healthy system. It would help if you ate at least four times daily, and five to six is ideal. The indicator for energy value of one meal should be between 300 and 350 calories.
Eliminate harmful foods
Another critical point to remember when planning your meals. Unfortunately, many people today consume foods that not only have no nutritional value for the body but are also harmful. Forget the industrial waste and keep only natural, healthy foods in your diet.
Optimize your carbohydrate intake
If you decide to gain weight correctly, be sure to pay attention to carbohydrates. Remember, they can be simple or complex. Your diet should consist mainly of problematic foods, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and pasta. To achieve positive results, you must remember the importance of this nutrient.
Note that you must consume foods containing carbohydrates before four or five o’clock in the evening. After that, you can eat protein mixes and vegetables. Although vegetables contain carbohydrates, they are high in plant fiber. If you do classes at the gym in the evening, then you can consume carbohydrates for the last time about an hour and a half before that.
Drinking treatment
Very often, people forget the importance of water for the body. If you break your drinking habit, it’s hard to count on good results. It applies to both weight gain and weight loss. We will not talk much about this topic, but let us inform you that you must drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
Protein compounds
This nutrient can and should be present in every meal you eat. Since the body processes this nutrient over a long period, we recommend using vegetables to speed up digestion. The plant fibers in them improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.
Sports pit
You cannot use sports nutrition, but it will make it much easier to achieve your goals. Note that you only need to pay attention to protein mix, fish, and micronutrients. However, we will say again that you can do without sports food.