
Who Doesn’t Want Beautiful Hair?

Want Beautiful Hair?


You are at:Home»Look»Who Doesn’t Want Beautiful Hair? Would you believe it if I told you that a wig could look as good as real? Would you believe it if I told you it could even look better?

Would you believe me if I told you that these pictures are all taken while wearing a WIG?

Meet Toni Mahon and her Etsy store- PrettyGlamHair! Her business is all about making sure that no woman would have to feel less pretty simply cause of her! Our hair should be our choice, and it’s our right to enjoy it- no matter what. Now, I am not saying that short hair isn’t sexy, but it’s different when you choose to cut your hair and shave it- than when you are forced to deal with loss or severely damaged.

There are so many wigs out there that look more like Halloween wigs than you’d like to wear, but Toni found the perfect combination and technique to make any woman look and feel glamorous!

Toni’s wigs are 100% Virgin Top Grade Human Hair, and are unique- each has it’s own style and shape to give you a different look. It’s important for you to understand– this is actual- real hair- thus allowing you to braid it, use it as if it was your own, wash it and clean it as you would your own hair!
The only difference is that if you cut it- it won’t grow back!

Here how Toni describes how she started her Etsy store for 100% REAL hair wigs:

I was literally just sitting in my bed one day and decided I wanted to sell. I did a lot of research and was in the library everyday and even did research while at work. I went through a process of finding the perfect hair for my brand and things slowly took off. I had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way, and somewhere in the mix I tried making a wig. It didn’t come out too bad, I started getting compliments & that just sparked something.

I’m a year into business and I’ve shipped wigs to places around the world I would’ve never expected Pretty Glam to reach. At first I was excited about helping other women feel beautiful and glamorous, but now I really have a passion for it. I’m the go to for Birthday and vacation hair as of late, and I love getting the photos of my Pretty Glam Dolls. I’ve helped women with illnesses that have caused them to lose their, and getting the messages about how much they love it and how much more confident they felt makes me grateful to have ended up in this position. I really look forward to expanding, & helping more women reach their goals.

What an inspiration!
Toni has over 40 different items in her store at the moment, selling both 100% real hair wigs as well as real bundles and pieces- and she’s shipping them worldwide from Connecticut, United States. Make sure to stop by her store if you, or anyone you know, would find it empowering to dress for success- with a real wig! You could also use PrettyGlam for a $10 discount (coupon code)! And to “say goodbye” here are some more cool wigs and styles from Toni’s store:

Want Beautiful Hair?
Want Beautiful Hair?

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Hey Ya’ll, I’m Nicky Allen, new to this whole blogging thing, but love online shopping, especially Etsy, and would love to write some cool articles about the products I like and the online stores I love 🙂




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