Food and Drink Health

Dinner for weight loss

Dinner for weight loss

Dinner for weight loss; how to select suitably? Features of foil dinners. Allowed and forbidden foods, nutritionist’s recommendations. TOP 10 dishes for dinner for weight loss.

A Slimming Dinner is an evening meal tailored to your weight loss needs. Dietetics is often called not eating dinner, overloading the stomach, and not waking up excess body fat. But lately, nutritionists have increasingly realized the importance of evening meals and the correct approach to their preparation. Let’s figure out what they eat for dinner for weight loss.

Features of proper dinner for weight loss

Many people know about the importance of breakfast. It gives energy, saturates the body, and allows you to be complete until noon. Why dinner is needed, not everyone understands. Sometimes they skip it to lose weight, but this is impossible.

Like breakfast and lunch, dinner plays a significant role in metabolism:

  • Eliminates hunger. Prolonged abstinence slows the metabolism and forces the body to store nutrients.
  • Prevents deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients.
  • Relieves insomnia: it is more difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach.
  • Supports metabolism at the desired level.
  • It helps to recover after a workout or a hard day.
  • Relaxes calms.

Important! Recently, the warrior’s diet was developed, which assigned the leading role to eating. It is the most nutritious meal and is considered essential.

For food to be absorbed and not reach the body in the form of fat, the evening meal must be well planned and prepared.

Nutritionists give it the following properties:

  • PP dinner for weight loss should not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Otherwise, sleep will be restless. The food must be completely digested and absorbed.
  • The right weight loss provides the body with vitamins and minerals. It is not stored in the body as excess fat.
  • With a minimum amount of calories to promote weight loss.
  • Part of a simple dinner for weight loss is minimal so that no weight remains in the stomach.
  • A balance that contains protein, fat, and carbohydrates in a 40/20/40 ratio.
  • It is nourishing to satisfy hunger.

Eat before 19:00, so the food has time to be partially digested and absorbed. If you eat late, most nutrients are not interested, and the food is stored in fat in unnecessary places.

To make dinner for weight loss, follow the recommendations:

  • Eat your vegetables first. They prepare the stomach to digest heavy food.
  • The volume of vegetables should be 2-3 times larger than protein products.
  • When you lose weight, the calorie content of dinner is 300 kcal. If your weight is average, but you try to eat right, you can increase the calorie content to 400 kcal.
  • Eat at the same time. While the general recommendation is not to eat after 7 pm, keep breakfast in mind. At least 10 hours should pass between breakfast and dinner. If you eat a late breakfast, split your feed as well.
  • Use gentle food processing. Eat vegetables and fruits raw if possible: Bake meat, fish, stew, or steam. Eliminate fried foods.
  • Chew thoroughly to help you feel full and help your stomach.
  • Do not limit dinner to only yogurt or kefir, as many lose weight. These foods cannot saturate the body and provide it with the necessary elements.
  • Go for a walk an hour and a half before dinner to burn the calories.
  • If you are hungry before bed, eat an apple, and drink tea without sugar or kefir.
  • Leave the table feeling a little hungry.
  • Drink half an hour after eating: water washes away gastric juices and impairs digestion.

Tonight’s dinner is a meal where the whole family gathers around the table. But often, it doesn’t turn into a heart-to-heart chat but watching TV while eating fast and junk food. If you are trying to lose weight, don’t follow this habit.

What can you eat for dinner for weight loss?

The list of foods for a light dinner is quite comprehensive, so everyone will find something to eat in the evening:

  • Protein foods … Take a long time to digest, do not leave a feeling of weight, and are a source of protein and calcium, which are necessary for building body tissues. Eating cheese, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, boiled or boiled lean meat (chicken, turkey), fish, and seafood is allowed.
  • Legumes … It is a source of vegetable protein. They also leave you full for a long time, which is why they are recommended for long night breaks in meals. Beans, lentils, and chickpeas will do.
  • Spices with a mild taste … Avoid spicy foods that are refreshing and lead to insomnia. But herbs and not too hot sauces will calm, relax and promote digestion (cardamom, ginger, coriander).
  • Sprouted grains … It is a source of many valuable substances and a vast amount of energy.
  • Greens … No meal for weight loss is complete without fiber. It helps in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. For food for dinner with weight loss, onions, dill, parsley, and amaranth are suitable.
  • Mushrooms … Although they are considered heavy food, a small amount will help to satisfy hunger and provide the body with valuable protein.
  • Vegetable oils … Used as a source of unsaturated fat.

You can also spice up your dinner with 10% sour cream or apple cider vinegar. Choose herbal teas, fermented milk products, smoothies, or juices for drinks. A small amount of natural red wine is allowed.

Important! The volume of liquid drunk at night should not exceed 1 glass so as not to overload the urinary system.

Why can’t you eat dinner for weight loss?

Several foods are not suitable for weight loss dinner on a proper diet. They cause flatulence and heaviness in the stomach and are too high in calories, so there is a risk of fat formation in the body.

Disliked foods include:

  • Peas and beans (causes bloating);
  • Cream, fat milk, sour cream;
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots);
  • Grains;
  • Fatty meat (goose, duck, pork);
  • Flour (pasta, baked goods, fresh white bread, pancakes, or pancakes);
  • Sweets;
  • Dishes and semi-finished products from meat and dough (dumplings, dumplings, pizza, sandwiches, pastries, etc.);
  • Cereal flakes;
  • Fast food;
  • Smoked meat, pickles;
  • Nuts, fruits (fresh and dried).

Of the drinks, soda, tea, or coffee (they strengthen and lead to insomnia), alcohol is not suitable for dinner.

These foods are considered heavy and are not suitable for a low-calorie dinner. But some foods cause controversy about their use at night.

Cabbage causes flatulence but has low-calorie content and is rich in vitamins; it cleans the intestines well. It is recommended to add it to salads in small quantities.

Grains are slow carbohydrates that fill you up quickly. They are also suitable for health, containing many minerals. But if they don’t have time to digest overnight, the excess goes into the body’s “fat storage.”

Nutritionists do not recommend eating cereal for thin women. But for men who exercise regularly, the use of complex carbohydrates is essential for energy. They get to eat porridge before bed.

Important! When you set a menu for dinner, consider your body’s unique characteristics, and pay attention to your condition.

Dinner for weight loss
Dinner for weight loss

TOP 10 dishes for dinner for weight loss

Choose recipes for dinner for weight loss according to your preferences and capabilities. Choose a protein-rich meal for weight loss as a satisfying and best way to fill up and lose weight. But if there is no meat or fish in the fridge, choose the one that suits you best from the available products.

Several dinner combinations suit different types of people:

  • Low calorie … Ideal for those who are losing weight. The dishes include boiled or fresh vegetables, vegetable dumplings, and herbs. This dinner is ideal for vegetarians.
  • Protein … A protein-rich meal is suitable for both women and men. Stew or boiled meat or fish, eggs, and salads with seafood are prepared for him. Use white cheese, cottage cheese, and mushrooms.
  • Drink … If you are on a strict diet, beverages and liquid meals are suitable: vegetable or unsweetened fruit juices, smoothies, chicken broth, herbal teas, or purees.
  • Carbohydrates … This dinner option is recommended for people with increased activity. It allows a combination of meat, fish with beans or lentils, rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, rye bread, avocado, and durum wheat pasta.

We offer TOP-10 dinners for weight loss with recipes:

  • Greek salad … An ideal dinner that combines protein and vegetables. It saturates well and does not cause a feeling of heaviness. To cook, take 100 g of feta or feta cheese, 1 piece of each pepper, tomato, cucumber, onion, and three cloves of garlic. Cut the vegetables and cheese into large slices and mix in a bowl; chop the garlic in a squeeze bottle and add it to the salad. Season the dish with olive oil; you can add a slight 10% wine vinegar.
  • Turkey Omelet … Boil 150g turkey fillet until tender, cut into slices. Grind the pepper into strips. Transfer the food to a greased pan. Beat in 2 eggs and simmer over low heat until tender. You can cook it in the microwave: then put the ingredients for the omelet in a baking dish. Serve with herbs and salad.
  • Swing with steamed vegetables … You can use any lean fish instead. Cut the flounder carcass into pieces and marinate it in spices. 100 g of zucchini and eggplant, cut into slices. Chop 2 tomatoes and celery. Add some crushed chives. Drizzle the vegetables with olive oil. Place all the food in a double boiler or pan and simmer until soft.
  • Carrot slices … The recipe allows you to combine protein and vegetable products in one dish. Peel 0.5 kg of carrots, boil, and grate. Boil 100 ml of cream and 50 g of semolina and wait a while until the grain swells. Add the egg, salt, and semolina to the carrots, and mix. Pour the breadcrumbs into a dish, spread the chopped carrot cake on top, and put a piece of processed cheese in it. Form a patty and roll in breadcrumbs so that the cheese is inside. Fry the buns on 2 sides in a bit of oil.
  • Vegetable raft … A delicious vegetable dish, Ideal for a diet. Place the peppers on a baking sheet and bake for 7 minutes at 200 degrees. Peel the eggplants cut them into thin strips, and send them to the pepper for another 6 minutes. Please take out the baked vegetables, peel the pepper from the membrane and cut it into 4 pieces. Keep the tomatoes in boiling water for one minute, remove them, cool in the water, and peel. Stir soft cream cheese with chopped herbs. Spread the vegetables on a plate in layers; spread them with cheese and herbs. Put the dish in the freezer for 10 minutes. Take it out and sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  • Bean salad with tomatoes … The plate is suitable for both a festive table and a light dinner. Cook the beans until they are soft (the amount of ingredients depends on the desired salad). Peel the pepper. You can bake it to soften the taste. Chop celery and tomatoes, red and green onions, and parsley. Mix vegetables and beans in a bowl. Season the salad with olive oil, mustard, and spices.
  • Salmon with broccoli … The dish is not cheap but nutritious and healthy. Pour boiling water over 4 tomatoes, peel and grind in a blender. Add 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, salt. Cut the fish into pieces weighing 100 g, place them on a wire rack, and send them to an oven heated to 250 degrees. Cook the broccoli until tender. Serve vegetables and fish with tomato sauce.
  • Redfish salad … A light meal that takes no more than 5 minutes to cook. Place lettuce leaves on a plate. Cut the avocado in half, remove the center and cut it into rings. Cut 2 tomatoes into half rings. Place the tomatoes in a circle on a plate with leaves, then the avocado. Chop 150 g of lightly salted red fish into thin slices and place the vegetables on top. Mix 50 ml of olive oil with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt, pepper, and 1 teaspoon honey. Pour the prepared dressing over the salad.
  • Copper Chicken … an excellent option for a protein dinner. The dish is easily prepared; the meat comes out juicy thanks to the onion. Optionally, you can add chopped peppers, carrots, and herbs to the mince. Put the minced chicken in a bowl; add salt, pepper, and egg. Peel and chop onion and other vegetables, if desired, in a mixing bowl or blender. Add oat bran, stir and form meatballs. Place on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.
  • Cucumber salad with tuna … Fish with fresh vegetables, is the best dinner. Wash and chop 3 cucumbers. Put the tuna out of the mold in a bowl and mash with a fork. Chop the parsley. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, pour olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with black pepper, and decorate with olives.


When you know what to eat for dinner for weight loss, you can always prepare a healthy, light dinner. These dishes positively affect the digestive system, do not leave a feeling of heaviness, and saturate the body with nutrients.

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