First kiss; how can I prepare? The article describes the features of the first kiss and recommendations that will help make it unforgettable. Various methods will give you confidence and teach you all kinds of techniques. The first kiss is a critical moment in the relationship of young people. Many present it as a plot from a movie. Still, expectations do not match reality, as experience shows; an experience spoils all romance takes over. For a kiss to be an excellent memory, it takes a little preparation.
What is a first kiss like?
All of us are afraid of being rejected, so the question of what date to kiss a girl or boyfriend arises for almost all young people who are just starting to build relationships. It is tough to answer that categorically.
Much depends on the nature of the dates, the upbringing of the girl, the couple’s worldview, and approach to the matter. If the girl is very modest, then it is better not to rush, so you can only scare her. The same can be said if one of the partners follows strict, for example, Muslim customs.
The ideal option is a second or third date. The point is that after a specific time, people get used to each other a little and manage to get along. Of course, it is important not to think about the deadline and what kind of date it is today. The main thing is the feelings and impressions that arise. It is essential to feel the pull and understand it is time to move on to the kiss. For some, a few hours are enough for this; the second needs to be drawn out for several weeks.
Here it is also essential to observe the partner’s reaction. For example, you can lean into him and simulate the urge to kiss. If a partner has a half-framed face, then you can try.
Fear and doubt before the first kiss
Many young people not only wait for the first kiss but also dread it. They worry that a lot of salivae will build up in the mouth, ruining the whole experience. To prevent this from happening, you can swallow it before kissing and not delay the process.
But do not forget that there is such an option as a wet kiss. It is worth noting that according to statistics, much fair sex is similar to this type. Therefore, everything has its advantages.
Another fear is length. Many people cannot decide how long the first kiss should last. It is impossible to answer this question precisely; you must feel it. But, according to many experts, the ideal time is one minute. Do not be afraid that there is no kissing experience; everything comes with time and training.
One’s attitude matters a lot. Agree that smiling and friendly people are always more attractive. If a person closes in, hesitates, and hides his nature. He can be scared away, even with an attractive appearance. Try to joke, talk more, and don’t fear the first kiss. Fear can be transmitted to partners, which is very undesirable.
Density and unnecessary worries can only harm. If you have a natural feeling, everything will go as it should.
Remember, you never have to ask your soul mate, “Can I kiss you?” It will ruin the whole moment and can put them both in trouble. If a girl does not want to kiss, she will show this in her behavior. Away with doubts!
Preparing for the first kiss
It is worth considering every detail in advance for everything to go perfectly. Everything is necessary: the place, the technique, the partner’s attitude, and the reaction. It’s good if a partner himself takes the initiative, then you have to answer his call. If this does not happen, or you have to take control of the situation on your own, the following suggestions will help you fail.
The location greatly influences the overall image and feelings. Therefore, it is better than the kiss taking place in a romantic setting without being afraid of eyes. It is good if the guy asks the girl out and thinks about all the details in advance. A quiet flower garden, a movie theater, a park, or a boat in the middle of the river can be an ideal place. You can also take a beautiful woman home and only then decide on this step.
According to most psychologists, a movie screening is an ideal place to kiss for the first time. Pick up a fun romantic movie that will spice up your time together. If it’s hard to decide, take your loved one’s hand and try to get their attention. Be brave and take the initiative.
First, it is essential to relax; this is only possible if you have confidence in your appearance and fresh breath.
Making your lips as pleasurable as possible before a kiss will help:
- Moisturizing lips … I Agree that dry and chapped lips do not feel good. Girls can use a special ointment or hygienic lipstick. In addition, they add a pleasant smell. Young people can also use men’s cosmetics. It is odorless and does not feel on the lips. Therefore, guys who are not used to procedures will feel nothing but soft and smooth skin.
- Exfoliation … The procedure will help to make the lips soft, supple, and pleasant to the touch. Cleansing will also help get rid of unwanted skin lumps. You can make it at home with regular sugar and honey.
- Pleasant breath … Remember that your mouth should smell fresh in the first kiss. To do this, it is better to have a mint stick, chewing gum, or unique refreshment. Brush your teeth regularly, preferably twice a day. It is recommended to clean the tongue because bacteria will not accumulate on it. Avoid leftover food or drink in your mouth.
It is important to show positive emotions. Many girls repel young men with their intimidating and unapproachable appearance. Be friendlier, smile more, and show interest. You can hold your loved one’s hand and thus relieve nervous tension.
The main types of kisses
As a rule, the first kiss on the lips is very gentle and trembling, but it all depends on the partner’s temperament.
In any case, it is better to prepare in advance for this operation and familiarize yourself with the technique:
- Touching … The young man should tilt his head slightly to one side, lean towards the woman’s lips, and then connect them. You can freeze for a few seconds to feel and enjoy the moment’s beauty.
- Strength and penetration … You should not immediately scare the chosen one with your aggression; you should involve only lips in the first kiss. If you want to connect the tongue, you can wiggle it slightly without entering the mouth.
- Done … After the kiss, you have to hug the girl, hug her and say something nice.
Kisses can be completely different; experts distinguish several types.
Here are the most popular ones:
- A “smooth” kiss … A young man should break his lips with a tube and “suck” the girl’s lips into him. In this case, it is essential to touch the partner’s tongue.
- “Shy” … This is the kiss when the girl moves her lower lip.
- “Fight against the mouth” … is one of the most popular. While such a kiss bites, they bite a little on the partner’s lip, very lightly. But remember that it is essential not to harm but to please.
The first kiss should be romantic but not too intrusive. After a while, you can try different methods and models. Still, to begin with, it is better to choose the standard version without garlands.
How to learn to kiss properly?
It is challenging to think through all romantic situations because each relationship is individual. The best thing is to listen to your inner voice and react to the problem. Many young people wonder how to kiss for the first time. It would help if you did not let the situation take its course for everything to go perfectly. Better to prepare a little in advance.
How to learn to kiss without a tongue?
A kiss without a tongue is the best option for the first time. If there is a desire to learn to kiss well, it is only essential to relax the lips in time. Excited and stuck, they are unlikely to please your partner. A young man can moisten his lips a little, and a girl must remember to wash off her lipstick.
During the first kiss, it is better to close your eyes and only touch your lips. You can take your loved one by the arm or waist to increase body contact.
In the process, gently and gently grab one of your partner’s lips with your lips; you can pull her a little. Switch upper and lower lips. We also admit a very weak bite; the main thing is not to overdo it so as not to damage the sensitive skin. Stretching the lips very strongly with a tube is not recommended, so they become firmer.
The basic rule is to be yourself, follow your feelings, and not be shy about your impulses. The task will be significantly simplified if an experienced partner is caught. In this case, you need to relax and try to repeat his movements, responding to the rhythm. The initiative is also welcome; it can pleasantly surprise and delight.
How to learn to kiss the tongue
A French or tongue kiss is a very emotional and passionate moment between a man and a woman. It brings you close and fills the relationship with new emotions and feelings.
Before kissing, it is better to lick or shave your lips a little. So they will flow smoothly. Tilt your head slightly to one side to avoid hitting your nose. When the faces are very close, close your eyes and enjoy.
It is better to start a kiss without tongue or closed lips. Open your mouth gradually and use your language. It would help if you also were sure that your partner did not mind the French kiss. For the first time, this may come as a surprise to some.
When your tongue is in your loved one’s mouth, try to feel their mood and play with them. All movements should be smooth and gentle. If the partners feel for each other, they will remember such a kiss for a long time.

Helpful tips for your first kiss
There are some valuable tips to make this moment memorable for a lifetime. First, it is better to kiss special and loved ones, because this is the only way to get absolute pleasure. Mutual sympathy is a necessary condition.
Second, kissing is not recommended if there is no desire, but you don’t want to offend the person. It is also better not to do this to get the necessary experience. A kiss is a manifestation of real feelings that must not forget.
Thirdly, I in no way consume alcoholic beverages. Many people do this to gain courage and be less shy. Remember that alcohol dulls emotions and desires. So there is a risk of missing all their most beautiful and intimate selves.
A girl can take the initiative because not all young men can decide this step, so it is essential to know how to kiss a guy first.
- In a comfortable moment … You need to face the young man, smile, and look him straight in the eye. If you are sitting next to you, catch your partner’s eye. His head should not be too far from the girl.
- Approach a boy … Take a step towards each other so that the faces will approach. At this moment, people’s moods and the genuine attitude of a friend to a friend are best felt. Close your eyes and start smooth movements towards your partner.
- Kiss … Kiss a young man gently and tilt your head slightly to the side. Don’t try to rush; find the beauty. The technique should be the same as described for the guy (no deep penetration, only light, weightless touches).
After the kiss, the best solution would be for the girl to say goodbye and leave to leave some riddle. Then the young man will look forward to the next meeting with even more impatience.
It should note that the “riddle” plays a vital role in other relationships. A little intrigue touches everyone and arouses interest. If you do not forget this, you can keep your partner’s burning eyes for many years; the main thing is not to overdo it with the “riddle.”
No need to worry about technology or other nuances. It is enough to melt, have previously refreshed the spirit and put the lips in order, and just reached to meet your partner.